Republican picnic

The problems the U.S. Senate is having passing the insurance bill (it is NOT a healthcare bill), is not because of the obstructionist attitudes and behavior of the Democrats on the left. They do their worst, but even Shumer, Pelosi, Warren, et all, cannot match the damage to the Republican party that it is doing to itself.
Think about it: these people have a majority in the house, and a majority in the Senate. That should effectively trump (yes, I did it on purpose) any maneuvers by the Democrats in Congress. Moreover, the Supreme Court is majority conservative and the presidency is in Republican hands, along with a large majority of state governors and legislatures, and still, these stumble bums in the Republican party are going to screw this up. Why? Because like all Foggy Bottom denizens, they are institutionalized. They care less about working for the American people and more about protecting the fetid swamp in which they crawl and slither.
The Republican party is at the precipice of history here. They have the highly unusual ability to set a conservative agenda for this country which will continue for a generation or more, and they are, in polite terms, turning it into so much urine.
When the Democrats want to pass a bill, they come together as an organized unit. They issue their talking points and every Democrat office holder will parrot the party line. They stick to the script. They say the same things. They present to the public a unified, organized party of concern and empathy. They appear to be the party of inclusion, the party of compassion, the party of plans and goals. The Republicans in the Senate, conversely, are about as coordinated as a Chinese fire drill, but without the precision. So, the Senate Republicans, bereft of responsible leadership, will dutifully pay undying fealty to the God of the U.S. Senate and follow blindly as their liberal lemming colleagues lead them off the cliff. Unfortunately for everyone, no outstretched arms of Caulfield will be at the bottom to break their fall. Splat!
That’s the sound of the Republican congressional majority falling on its face. Splat! That’s the sound of Mitch McConnell banging his head against the wall. Splat! That’s the sound of the future of American politics if they screw this up. Splat!
So much for bipartisan politics, so much for cooperation and compassion. So much for going to Washington to serve the American people. The Republicans were sent to the Senate and House to repeal Obamacare and get this country on the right path economically and socially. They are ignoring their mandate. They are thumbing their blue noses at the rest of us. To Washington politicians, we are nothing but fools and suckers and according to their game plan, one of us is born every minute. The barbarians are at the gates, and what are our Republican elected officials doing? They are standing around waiting for the sun to clear the east wall so they can have a picnic. Splat!