The New Keystone Kops

Our Founding Fathers had a big advantage when establishing the governing provenance for the new nation. They had an extensive knowledge of, and an appreciation for history. They learned the lessons of history and were determined that their descendants, we, the American people, would not be doomed to repeat them. The Fathers knew that all democracies fail because they implode; they eat themselves up, guts out, because free stuff is an intoxicant. It breeds power, and power corrupts. To prevent this, the Fathers set up a three-branch governmental system that included democratic principles, but provided checks and balances to insure that one branch of the government would not become more powerful than the other two. The three branches are: the Executive branch which includes the president and his administration, the Legislative branch which includes the two houses of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representative, and the Judicial branch (the Supreme Court and the Federal judicial system), which has the last say in what legislative actions may be implemented based on the precepts of the Constitution. At least that’s how it is supposed to work.

This checks and balances form of government has served us well in keeping one branch from gaining too much power over the governmental system, but now we find ourselves in a different world. Not only different from what the Founding Fathers envisioned, or the high American ideal of Abraham Lincoln, or the vision of Thomas Jefferson, but different from anything any American has ever experienced. All three branches of government are battling intensely and openly for control of the federal government. Talk about clash of the Titans. This fight plays out every day on our T.V. screens and computer monitors. The president challenging and insulting the Congress and the news media, the Congress fighting among themselves for control of that branch, and the Supreme Court with only two types of justices left: extremely liberal, or extremely conservative. No middle ground.

This fight is for the future of this nation; this fight is for our form of government, our very way of life; this fight can determine the course of this nation for the next fifty years, and this fight is completely and totally unnecessary. The Republicans have already won this fight, but, being Republicans, they choose to argue the point among themselves. They have a majority in the U.S. Senate, a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, a conservative leaning Supreme Court and the U.S. presidency, yet they insist on constantly working on their Keystone Kops routines as though they’re expecting to place first in the Congressional Max Sennett talent extravaganza. Enough already of this self-serving well-known-article-of-bovine-digestion and get to work setting the agenda for this great nation. Or once great nation. Has any one of you heard the president’s plans for this country? These are the principles you ran your campaigns on. These are the issues which you supported, and as a result, you were elected to your offices. Now, your major focus is not on doing the job we sent you there to do, but debating on whether or not you should cancel the August recess. How does that even become an issue? If the job isn’t done, you don’t go on vacation…at least we don’t. All this, and everything everyone else writes about the problems in Congress, will never end as long as we allow people to make politics their career. They become entrenched in the Foggy Bottom Swamp to the point where the Swamp becomes their constituent, not the people who elected them. So, instead of securing the future of the republic as a strong and great nation, the Republicans will allow this opportunity to evaporate like so many others have in the past. We will become more and more like France until we implode, like Europe is imploding from the weight of their own socialist folly. One possible future is full of hope, pride and optimism. The other is full of dread, uncertainty and anarchy, and the worst thing about it? We, the people, do not get to decide.

Republican picnic

The problems the U.S. Senate is having passing the insurance bill (it is NOT a healthcare bill), is not because of the obstructionist attitudes and behavior of the Democrats on the left. They do their worst, but even Shumer, Pelosi, Warren, et all, cannot match the damage to the Republican party that it is doing to itself.
Think about it: these people have a majority in the house, and a majority in the Senate. That should effectively trump (yes, I did it on purpose) any maneuvers by the Democrats in Congress. Moreover, the Supreme Court is majority conservative and the presidency is in Republican hands, along with a large majority of state governors and legislatures, and still, these stumble bums in the Republican party are going to screw this up. Why? Because like all Foggy Bottom denizens, they are institutionalized. They care less about working for the American people and more about protecting the fetid swamp in which they crawl and slither.
The Republican party is at the precipice of history here. They have the highly unusual ability to set a conservative agenda for this country which will continue for a generation or more, and they are, in polite terms, turning it into so much urine.
When the Democrats want to pass a bill, they come together as an organized unit. They issue their talking points and every Democrat office holder will parrot the party line. They stick to the script. They say the same things. They present to the public a unified, organized party of concern and empathy. They appear to be the party of inclusion, the party of compassion, the party of plans and goals. The Republicans in the Senate, conversely, are about as coordinated as a Chinese fire drill, but without the precision. So, the Senate Republicans, bereft of responsible leadership, will dutifully pay undying fealty to the God of the U.S. Senate and follow blindly as their liberal lemming colleagues lead them off the cliff. Unfortunately for everyone, no outstretched arms of Caulfield will be at the bottom to break their fall. Splat!
That’s the sound of the Republican congressional majority falling on its face. Splat! That’s the sound of Mitch McConnell banging his head against the wall. Splat! That’s the sound of the future of American politics if they screw this up. Splat!
So much for bipartisan politics, so much for cooperation and compassion. So much for going to Washington to serve the American people. The Republicans were sent to the Senate and House to repeal Obamacare and get this country on the right path economically and socially. They are ignoring their mandate. They are thumbing their blue noses at the rest of us. To Washington politicians, we are nothing but fools and suckers and according to their game plan, one of us is born every minute. The barbarians are at the gates, and what are our Republican elected officials doing? They are standing around waiting for the sun to clear the east wall so they can have a picnic. Splat!

So help me, God

“These are the times that try men’s souls.”

Thomas Paine wrote those words on December 23, 1776 in his treatise, The Crisis. The cause was clear then; the stakes were high but acceptable, and patriots rose to spill their blood in the name of liberty, for as Thomas Jefferson once said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” The crisis is of a different nature this time. The cause has been muddled by decades of beltway intellectual rot, so that our democratic republic is crumbling around us like the highways and bridges of our neglected infrastructure.

Our elected officials, many of them Washington D.C. fixtures for a lifetime, have devoted themselves to maintaining, at all costs, their corrupt and self serving status quo. These are devious, calculating men and women whose oath to protect and defend the Constitution has long been cast aside in favor of lucrative lobbyist relationships. These are, privileged people who work three days a week and vote themselves automatic annual raises, while many in this country collect food stamps and go to sleep at night wondering how they will feed their children. These people are, in their own minds, American aristocracy in a democratic republic that rejected that form of society almost five hundred years ago. That’s how this country got started. Members of Congress have rights and privileges most of us only dream about. Yet they work only three days a week doing the business of the people. They have their own private dining rooms and barber shops and safe spaces, and many of them have their own private jets, yet they only work three days a week.

Add to that sad Congressional state of affairs an ex-president who has set up a command post not far from the White House, and hired and trained thousands of leftist thugs to disrupt and destroy this administration, plus a compliant and submissive mainstream news media, and you have the recipe for a Constitutional disaster. Never in the proud history of our republic has a man so ego-driven, so self absorbed, so full of himself and so weak and feckless as a chief executive worked to destroy a sitting American president, and bring down the American government. To my mind and to the minds of many other people, this behavior equals treason in the most foul terms, because it is treason committed as a conspiracy, with the aid and assistance of like-minded America haters and overstuffed petty politicians in a Congress who collectively have long passed their sell-by date.

Almost seventy million people voted for Donald Trump in the last election. I can tell you without fear of contradiction that the feckless, traitorous Barack Obama is pissing off at least 90% of us. We understand what is at stake. We understand what we have to lose, but we took the oath, too. We are veterans and police officers, active and retired. We are hunters and outdoorsmen, we can live off the land for years if we have to, and why would we choose to do that rather than knuckle under to the liberal progressives who are trying to reshape our country in their own perverted image? The answer is simple: February, 1962: “I, Rick Ainsworth, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

That oath does not carry a sell-by date.

Seize the Truth!