So help me, God

“These are the times that try men’s souls.”

Thomas Paine wrote those words on December 23, 1776 in his treatise, The Crisis. The cause was clear then; the stakes were high but acceptable, and patriots rose to spill their blood in the name of liberty, for as Thomas Jefferson once said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” The crisis is of a different nature this time. The cause has been muddled by decades of beltway intellectual rot, so that our democratic republic is crumbling around us like the highways and bridges of our neglected infrastructure.

Our elected officials, many of them Washington D.C. fixtures for a lifetime, have devoted themselves to maintaining, at all costs, their corrupt and self serving status quo. These are devious, calculating men and women whose oath to protect and defend the Constitution has long been cast aside in favor of lucrative lobbyist relationships. These are, privileged people who work three days a week and vote themselves automatic annual raises, while many in this country collect food stamps and go to sleep at night wondering how they will feed their children. These people are, in their own minds, American aristocracy in a democratic republic that rejected that form of society almost five hundred years ago. That’s how this country got started. Members of Congress have rights and privileges most of us only dream about. Yet they work only three days a week doing the business of the people. They have their own private dining rooms and barber shops and safe spaces, and many of them have their own private jets, yet they only work three days a week.

Add to that sad Congressional state of affairs an ex-president who has set up a command post not far from the White House, and hired and trained thousands of leftist thugs to disrupt and destroy this administration, plus a compliant and submissive mainstream news media, and you have the recipe for a Constitutional disaster. Never in the proud history of our republic has a man so ego-driven, so self absorbed, so full of himself and so weak and feckless as a chief executive worked to destroy a sitting American president, and bring down the American government. To my mind and to the minds of many other people, this behavior equals treason in the most foul terms, because it is treason committed as a conspiracy, with the aid and assistance of like-minded America haters and overstuffed petty politicians in a Congress who collectively have long passed their sell-by date.

Almost seventy million people voted for Donald Trump in the last election. I can tell you without fear of contradiction that the feckless, traitorous Barack Obama is pissing off at least 90% of us. We understand what is at stake. We understand what we have to lose, but we took the oath, too. We are veterans and police officers, active and retired. We are hunters and outdoorsmen, we can live off the land for years if we have to, and why would we choose to do that rather than knuckle under to the liberal progressives who are trying to reshape our country in their own perverted image? The answer is simple: February, 1962: “I, Rick Ainsworth, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

That oath does not carry a sell-by date.

Seize the Truth!